Traffic delay reduction via distributed dynamic lane reversal and rerouting

Evan Gravelle and Sonia Martínez
International Journal of Control, 91 (10) (2018) 2355-2365


Traffic congestion is a major source of delays in modern road networks. Motivated by this, we propose two distributed algorithms to reduce delays: a dynamic lane reversal algorithm and a rerouting algorithm. When there is a density imbalance on a road, time can be saved by reallocating lanes from the less dense side to the more dense side, which motivates dynamic lane reversal. When a road has greater density than nearby roads, time can be saved by redirecting flow into the least congested roads, this motivates dynamic rerouting. Given a communication system between infrastructure and vehicles on the road, the local state of the network can be approximated and utilized by the algorithms to minimize travel time. In order to provide a better fundamental understanding of the system dynamics, we analyze equilibrium conditions for the system and prove convergence of the lane reversal algorithm to a critical point. Overall performance is also examined in simulation.

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Bib-tex entry:

author = {E. Gravelle and S. Mart{\'\i}nez},
title = {Traffic delay reduction via distributed dynamic lane reversal and rerouting},
journal= {International Journal of Control},
year = {2018},
volume ={91},
number = {10},
pages = {2355-2365}